Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Best Ayurvedic Practices For Fall with Dr. Jay & The CBD Oil Craze



By now, you've almost certainly heard of CBD Oil, it's become one of the most trendy natural superfoods in the industry. CBD stands for cannabidiol, and is a compound extract from the hemp plant and contains no THC, the alkaloid that leads to getting "high," making it legal in every state. CBD oil has been linked to pain reduction, improved sleep, lowered stress and many other benefits--and in this segment, Tony and I discuss everything you need to know about this exciting plant compound!   In the second segment, I interview renowned Ayurvedic professor and physician, Parla Jayagopal, B.A.M.S—or Dr. Jay as many know him—and dive into the amazing, 6,000-year-old tradition of Ayurvedic Medicine as we discuss the best fall practices and how to boost your immunity. [BULLETS] Tony and I share what CBD oil is and where it comes from... The difference between CBD and cannabidiol... How CBD can help with anxiety and relaxation... When CBD should be taken in helping to reduce stress... Dr. Jay shares what happens to