Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Intuitive Eating: How to Listen to Your Body for Nutritional Guidance



When it comes to intuitive eating, how can you listen to your body for nutritional guidance, and is it really possible? This is such an important topic because when we learn to be in tune with our food, we start to connect more to our body, to the amazing, unique energy inside of us. We learn how to best care for ourselves and our expression in the world. Because we all have different bodies and different makeups, it's only when we really start to intuit what's exactly best for us, that everything turns on to the highest level. Our energy, our creative expression, our digestion, our skin and hair health, and our ability to just feel really good throughout our day. I've always said that food isn't the end all be all, however, it's a very important ingredient in our overall wellness journey. How we eat affects our energy and our outlook on life. It affects our emotional health, our mental wellbeing, and our ability to sit and meditate. I'm very excited about this topic and provide you with some research and ta