Buddha At The Gas Pump

554. Sally Kempton – 2nd Interview



Sally Kempton is a deeply practiced teacher of meditation and spiritual philosophy, and the author of the books Meditation for the Love of It and Awakening Shakti: as well as the audio course Doorways to the Infinite, recently put out by Sounds True. A former swami in the Saraswati order of India, she has been practicing and teaching devotional contemplative tantra for more than 40 years. Her teaching is powerfully sourced in the eastern meditative traditions of yoga and Kashmir Shaivism, yet highly contemporary in her focus on evolutionary practice. She offers a powerful transmission of meditative experience. Books: Meditation for the Love of It Beginning Meditation Awakening Shakti: The Transformative Power of the Goddesses of Yoga Shakti Meditations Doorways to the Infinite: The Art and Practice of Tantric Meditation (audio program) Website: sallykempton.com First BatGap interview with Sally Sally Kempton in panel discussion on Kashmir Shaivism Discussion of this interview in the BatGap