Buddha At The Gas Pump

653. Clare Goldsberry



Clare Goldsberry has been a life-long student of religion and spiritual traditions. Having been reared Protestant Christian, her goal was to study for the ministry after completing her BA in Journalism at Arizona State University. However, a few semesters into those studies in a cooperative study program with Claremont School of Theology (Claremont, CA), she was called away into the study of Buddhism. For the past 27 years, she has been engaged in the practice of Buddhism, as well as the study of Hinduism, Gnosticism, Theosophy, philosophy (from the ancients to modern philosophers), and modern Christian religions. She has even added the study of Quantum physics to the mix after noticing that modern quantum ideas parallel those of Buddhism as the science of mind. She has always followed her inner voice, as it is that call that is the true call on her path. She teaches classes on all of those topics and tries to encourage people to follow their inner light/voice and not to be led astray. The questions are alw