The Faster Than Normal Podcast: Add | Adhd | Health

The One with the ADHD PhD, Featuring Rachel Cotton



Let me tell you about Rachel Cotton. Other than the half-eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwich on foccacia bread that's strangely taking up half her headshot, she's one of the most hyper-focused people I've ever met. Possibly even more than me, and that is saying a LOT. Also, she loves Daft Punk. My kind of woman. But, she proves a point - Having a faster brain really DOES mean we can do anything. There's something to be said for having a playlist for your workouts, AND a playlist for your WORK. Like many of us, she's a regular person, making her mark in a world that's just a little bit slower. She has a really impressive backstory, and I think you're going to enjoy this interview. Pay special attention to the parts where she talks about how she handles projects that require massive amounts of focus. There's some gold in there. Enjoy! As always, leave us a comment below, drop us a review on iTunes (PLEASE!) and of course, subscribe to the podcast if you haven't already! Know of anyone you think should be on