Content Inc With Joe Pulizzi

The Secret to Being a Content Entrepreneur [Special Episode] (439)



A very special episode courtesy of my friend Michelle Raymond. In this episode, Michelle and I talk about what makes a content entrepreneur successful, the importance of patience, and selling strategies to help a content entrepreneur both survive and grow. Please follow Michelle on LinkedIn - Buy my new book, The Content Entrepreneur, today! Sign up for Content Entrepreneur Expo (CEX) here and use code TOM100 to save $100. Today's episode is brought to you by Memberful. Whether your passion is journalism, cooking, fitness coaching, teaching, or traveling — you can monetize your content with Memberful. Visit to get started building your membership business with a free trial.  ------- Like this episode? SUBSCRIBE on Apple, Spotify or Google. See all Content Inc episodes at the Content Inc. podcast home. Get my personal newsletter today and receive my free goal-setting guide today.