Ray Ellis Sports

Gone But Never Forgotten



“Gone But Never Forgotten”…Over the past several years, numerous stories have been reported acknowledging the relationship between consistent head trauma and brain damage and CTE found on the brains of former NFL Stars. Andre Waters, Mike Webster, Dave Duerson and most recently Junior Seau each had their brains examined after they all died unexpectedly from self-inflicted wounds. It was the tragic and impulsive way in which these men died that lead families and member of their football fraternity to demanded an investigation into why and what could have caused them to die in this manner. On today’s show tribute will be paid to a few former NFL Players who are “Gone But Never Forgotten. These men unarguably devoted their lives to a game they loved. Joining the show will be Board Certified Neurologist, Dr. Bruce Grossinger, who is the network’s expert on concussions and has offices in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Steve Alic the Communication Director of USA Football………. USA Football recommends national sta