Nixon Now Podcast

Kasey Pipes on Richard Nixon's Remarkable Post-Presidency



On August 9, 1974, Richard Nixon became the first and only president to resign. A decade later, Nixon was back as a trusted advisor to presidents dispensing wisdom on campaign strategy, and shaping the course of national and world events. On this edition of the Nixon Now Podcast we're joined in studio with Kasey Pipes. He’s an author, speech writer, and former advisor to President George W. Bush. He’s the Norris Fellow at the Eisenhower Institute at Gettysburg College, co-founder of the issues management firm Corley-Pipes, and partner at the public affairs firm High Water Strategies. He’s author of a newly released book, “After the Fall: The Remarkable Comeback of Richard Nixon.” Interview by Jonathan Movroydis. Photo: A portrait of Richard Nixon during his post-presidential years. (Richard Nixon Foundation)