Nixon Now Podcast

Lori Cox Han on Pat Buchanan as Advisor to President Nixon



Patrick J. Buchanan ran for president three times -- in 1992, 1996, and 2000. Some say his influence can still be felt in the modern political landscape. He worked in the Reagan administration as director of communications, but got his start under Richard Nixon first as an aide in the 1968 presidential campaign, and then as an advisor and speech writer to President Nixon. In her new book due out this October, “Advising Nixon: The White House Memos of Patrick J. Buchanan” Chapman University professor of political science and presidential expert Lori Cox Han judiciously selects and examines significant memos written by Buchanan that have impacted the Nixon Presidency. On this edition of the Nixon Now Podcast, Dr. Lori Cox Han joins us in studio. Interview by Jonathan Movroydis. Read the transcript: Photo: Pat Buchanan with presidential candidate Richard Nixon in September 1968. (Richard Nixon Presidential