The Mindvalley Podcast With Vishen Lakhiani

God, Sex, Death (and Time Travel) - Jamie Wheal



Slowly over the past few decades, and now suddenly, all at once, we’ve suffered a collapse in meaning. Fundamentalism and nihilism readily stepped up to fill that vacuum, with consequences that affect us all. In a world that needs us at our best, diseases of despair, tribalism, and disaster fatigue are leaving us at our worst. In this episode, Vishen and Jamie chat about God, Sex, Death, and Time Travel.      Jamie Wheal is the author of Recapture the Rapture: Rethinking God, Sex and Death In a World That's Lost Its Mind and the global bestseller Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work. He’s also the founder of the Flow Genome Project, an international organization dedicated to the research and training of human performance. His ideas have been covered in The New York Times, Financial Times, Wired, Entrepreneur, Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Inc., and TED. He has spoken at Stanford University, MIT, the Harvard Club, Imperial Coll