Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

Saul on the Road to Damascus



Acts 9:1-5 — The circumstances of life can turn dire in a matter of moments. The facade of life gets ripped away and in an instant, the saving grace of God stands in clear contrast to the path that leads to destruction. Paul was on that path. As he traveled the road to Damascus, God broke through with a blinding light and dropped the persecutor Saul to his knees. In this sermon about Saul on the road to Damascus from Acts 9:1–5 titled “A Fact of History,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains the inward change that happens when one gains a clear view of the Savior’s face and hears the words of Jesus. The hatred, depravity, and desperation that once filled the heart is replaced by peace, contentment, and faith. Outside circumstances cannot change the heart. That is where the gospel does its work. New life begins when the light of Christ tears away the autonomy of life and reveals the desperate dependency on the Savior. It is then that all can know true victory over sin, death, and the devil.