Vox Podcast With Mike Erre

443 - Growing Kids God's Way?



Growing Kids God's Way? Is that a thing? WARNING, it gets a little spirited. Today, Mike and Tim discuss the theme of differentiating fruit and outcomes, emphasizing the importance of faithfulness over controlling outcomes. The conversation concludes with a question about parenting and the use of the "rod," from the book of Proverbs. Mike and Tim discuss their perspectives on parenting and discipline. They emphasize the importance of building a close relationship with their children and prioritizing connection over strict discipline, challenge the idea of labeling one way of parenting as 'biblical' and highlight the harmful effects of shame in parenting. What is the difference between outcome-focused parenting and fruit-focused parenting? How do we differentiate between fruit and outcomes in order to focus on faithfulness rather than controlling results? How do we create environments that allow for the growth of fruit, but recognize that fruit cannot be produced or controlled? 00:00 Intr