Cashflow Ninja W/ M.c. Laubscher

011: Dom Wells: How to Make Money Online with Niche Websites and Affiliate Marketing



Dom Wells is the owner and founder of Human Proof Designs, a service that creates done-for-you niche websites for those who want to get started with affiliate marketing. On the blog, you can read tutorials and case studies about his own experiences with affiliate marketing. Dom has been making money online since late 2012, and has been full-time since 2014. His company has built over 500 websites for beginners to follow in his footsteps. Dom has been featured by Entrepreneur Magazine as one of 8 online entrepreneurs you should be following. Bestselfco., Make Success a Habit! Use the Self Journal to organize and align tactical day to day tasks with larger life goals. In this episode you will learn: The three steps to starting a business online The three factors that determine your income How to know whether there is a market for your business idea How to come up with a elegant solution for the pain or problem you have identified and or the pleasure you want to provide through products and services How you ar