Cashflow Ninja W/ M.c. Laubscher

119: Amanda B. Johnson: Dash, A Revolutionary Digital Money System



My guest today is Amanda B. Johnson. Amanda is the world's first person to be paid by blockchain to produce videos. She works for the DASH network as the host and writer of weekly YouTube series DASH: Detailed. Prior to joining DASH, Amanda was a journalist and opinion writer at cryptocurrency news outlets CoinTelegraph, Bitcoin Magazine, and Share your thoughts with me on Twitter @mclaubscher and Instagram @cashflowninjapodcast Click To Tweet: Dash, A Revolutionary Digital Money System If you have enjoyed our podcast, please share with friends and family Please Subscribe, Rate, and Review on Itunes so more people can find us! so more people can find us! Interview Links: DASH: Detailed Support Our Sponsors Joint Ops Properties, have designed a system to take any beginner to an experienced deal making investor in the least amount of time, offering opportunities from basic education, coaching, bridge investing to turn-key investments in the cash flowing market of St. Louis, MO. www.jointop