Cashflow Ninja W/ M.c. Laubscher

196: Robert Murphy: How To Use The Austrian Economics Business Cycle To Weather Financial Storms



  My guest in this episode is Robert Murphy. Bob is a Research Assistant Professor at the Free Market Institute at Texas Tech.   He has a PhD in economics from New York University. After teaching for three years at Hillsdale College, Bob left academia for the financial sector, where he worked on portfolio management and economic research at Laffer Associates. Bob now is president of Consulting By RPM, and runs the popular economics blog “Free Advice” at Bob has testified before Congress and has given numerous interviews on TV and radio. He is the author of hundreds of articles and several books on economic topics aimed at the layperson, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism (Regnery 2007), How Privatized Banking Really Works (2010 with Carlos Lara), and Lessons for the Young Economist (Mises Institute 2010). Bob is a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute and is the Senior Economist for the Institute for Energy Research, where he specializes in the economics of cli