Meaningful Mondays

What would you do?



Welcome to a new edition of Meaningful Monday's with Lee Brower. In this episode, we delve into some insightful content aimed at sparking reflections about our life and the unique journey we each embark on. Lee shares some thought-provoking questions brought forward by Earl Nightingale in his book "Your Success Starts Here". These enquiries challenge us to reflect on whether we're content with our lives as they are, or if we secretly wish to walk in another's shoes. Lee recounts a touching and impactful story involving his son, Nick, during his battle with cancer, which ties into a poignant quote by Regina Brett. The experience and Brett's quote combine to probe the human tendency to compare our circumstances with those of others. The underlying message is about developing a deeper appreciation for our own unique path in life and finding a sense of contentment and gratitude amidst our struggles. Lee sets a challenge for listeners to ponder about their burdens and to find within themselves the strength to say,