Profitable Farmer

Episode 134 - What Is My Purpose In Life?



Throughout our lives, and often at this time of year, we can find ourselves reflecting and asking important questions like; Why am I here? What am I doing this for? What is it that is my purpose in life? What do I want for my life? How do I want to be remembered? Over my business journey, I have been lucky enough to study with and learn from one of the great business minds of our time, Marshall Thurber. In his teachings, Marshall emphasises that there are universal laws (laws of nature) that, when applied to our businesses and lives, can offer us so much certainty and confidence and set a robust foundation on which to see our results grow exponentially. In this episode, and in my attempt to answer these questions, I offer an insight into the Law of Precession - how we can apply it to our lives, how to set down major, definite goals, and make a more meaningful impact as leaders, business owners and entrepreneurs.   Linked with this, I share some lessons learned from one of my favourite books, “Think and Grow