It's Erik Nagel

Battle Plan. Sansa Needs Braces.



'IT'S ERIK NAGEL'  Cold Open / Intro SEGMENT 01 [0:01:04] !!SPOILERS!! Avengers Endgame. !!SPOILERS!! Game of Thrones !!SPOILERS!!   SEGMENT 02 [1:31:30] Box Office updates. 'Sonic The Hedgehog' trailer is terrible. Erik hasn't seen 'Willow'. Deaths: John Singleton, Peter Mayhew. The time Marina Sirtis & Walter Koenig were jerks. Burger King's 'UnHappy' meals.  HEAR 'IT'S ERIK NAGEL' ON:  IHEARTRADIO | APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER | GOOGLE PODCAST | TUNE-IN | YOUTUBE FOLLOW 'IT'S ERIK NAGEL': TWITTER | INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK | WEBSITE