It's Erik Nagel

Sucks To Your ASMR



'IT'S ERIK NAGEL'  Cold Open / Intro SEGMENT 01 [0:01:19] Thanks to the audience. 'The Consumer' listener submissions. ASMR. WPLJ-FM in NYC is ending. Facebook/IG privacy issues and concerns.  SEGMENT 02 [1:16:35] Box Office updates. Animal Rescue videos. New trailers: IT Chapter 2, Spiderman, The Watchmen. TV Updates. 'Fresh Prince of Belair' most famous moment. 'Game of Thrones' cup nonsense and reviews.  HEAR 'IT'S ERIK NAGEL' ON:  IHEARTRADIO | APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER | GOOGLE PODCAST | TUNE-IN | YOUTUBE FOLLOW 'IT'S ERIK NAGEL': TWITTER | INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK | WEBSITE