Mandy Connell

02-01-24 Interview - Gays' Against Groomers' Rich Guggenheim - Woman Removed From House Committee Meeting For Saying There Are Two Genders



WOMAN REMOVED FROM HOUSE COMMITTEE MEETING FOR SAYING THERE ARE TWO GENDERS I can't make this up. She was testifying about HB 24-1071 named Tiara's law which would allow felons to change their names legally if they change their gender.The reason felons can't legally change their names currently is to keep them from escaping their past.So Democrats are a-okay with a felon and former sex worker being allowed to hang around children all the time because he decided to change his gender. This part of Rich's tweet is the most important part:Gay men and lesbian women have fought for decades against the false narrative that we are pedophiles and want to groom children. The passage of this bill will allow for sex offenders and felons to have easier access to children under the guise of LGBTQ inclusion and equality. The consesquences of passing this bill will lead to an increase of accusations of members of the LGBT community being pedophiles and will erode the support for LGBT rights and undermine the work LGB activis