Tom Rowland Podcast

Fish Swim From FL To Bahamas - Scientists Say It Is BS - Dr Mike Larkin - Episode #859



In this conversation, Mike Larkin discusses the movements of bonefish and the use of different types of tags to track their behavior. He shares stories of bonefish being tagged in Florida and recaptured in the Bahamas, highlighting the challenges and limitations of research in the region. Mike emphasizes the importance of keeping an open mind in scientific research and suggests managing bonefish populations as one unit rather than separate populations. The conversation then transitions to a discussion on knots and their strength for different fishing scenarios. In this conversation, Mike and I discuss the importance of testing knot strength and the factors that contribute to a strong knot. We explore different knots and their performance in various fishing situations. We also discuss the importance of choosing the right knot for the specific line and conditions. The conversation highlights the need for adaptability and continuous testing as new lines and materials are introduced. We also touch on the importan