Global I.q. Minute With Jim Falk

The American Middle



The political polarization of America in 2022 is not a new phenomenon, but what is often missing is the political will to find a middle ground. Even while in fierce opposition to the policies of President Ronald Reagan, who was swept into office in a landslide, Democrat House Speaker Tip O’Neill said, “In the best interest of America, the hand of cooperation ought to go out.” Last year, the Pew Research Center found that 86% of Trump supporters and 89% of Biden supporters wanted their elected official to address the needs of all Americans “even if it means disappointing some of his supporters.” Join us for the Mike Rawlings Endowed Lecture as Democrat Mayor Mike Rawlings, Republican and former Texas Speaker of the House Joe Straus, and Rudy Bush of the Dallas Morning News discuss how to slow the polarization of our electorate and find a middle ground where opposition does not become obstruction. About our Speakers: The Honorable Mike Rawlings was the longest serving Mayor of Dallas (2011-2019) in over 50 y