Homers Leadership Podcast

51. Heart & Resolve: Navigating Tough Times in Leadership



Big thought: Some of the most difficult moments in ministry and leadership is when you feel like you’ve hit a wall and feel like you’re not seeing the results or fruits of the hard work that you’ve been putting in. It may come in different forms. It may be that you have been working at it for a long time and now feel like you’re just beating your head against the wall. Or you may have started to see some of the growth that you were praying and working for, but then, as if from one night to the next, it seems like everything just stops and feels like all of the growth just disappeared. Whatever the details, going through those tough times can make a lot of great leaders want to quit. But if you manage to endure the drought, you will see a payoff. In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about how to rediscover the reasons that you started ministry and leadership in the first place. We’re going to unpack what it means to bounce back. And we’re going to learn how to build support through community and collaborat