Free Christian Audiobooks (aneko Press)

Put Away Vanity and the Love of Praise (Ch. 8) - Follow the Lamb



My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me (John 10:27) Your "turning" or "conversion" is only a beginning, and no more. It is not the whole journey; it is merely the first step. You are a disciple, that is, one who is under teaching; but your teaching, your discipleship, has only just begun. Your life is a book; it may be a bigger or smaller volume, but conversion is only the title page or the preface. The book itself remains to be written, and your years, weeks, and days are its chapters, pages, and lines. It is a book written for eternity; make sure that it is written well. It is a book for the inspection of enemies as well as friends; be careful of every word. It is a book written under the eye of God; let it be done reverently, not frivolously, but also without constraint or terror. For encouragement and help on this journey, please join me in diving into what the Bible says about fruitful Christian living. Make sure you start well, continue well, and end well. The Lord has ensured tha