Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



rocess of rebuilding a new and healthy you is based on the fact that the body is constantly replacing itself. Every hour your body is creating 80,000,000 new cells! As each new cell is built, the body seeks proper building materials from which to construct the cell. If the body cannot find good, healthy materials, it will use whatever is available. To make new cells, the body must have raw materials (nutrition) and sufficient cellular energy to use the materials. If any of these are lacking, pharmaceuticals and/or surgeries will not help. The body has the ability to heal itself of many ailments if it is supplied with sound nutrition and proper cellular energy. Alternative medicine doctors, in a vain attempt to identify the underlying cause of these overwhelming symptoms, turn to expensive lab tests and dig into the minutia of genetic mutations, hair tissue mineral analysis, hormone testing, amino acid analysis, and vitamin and mineral blood tests. Most testing is not reproducible, inaccurate, confusing