Take Out With Ashley And Robyn

Episode 26 with guest Robyn Thomas



Robyn Thomas is currently serving in her tenth year as the Executive Director of the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. A national nonprofit organization founded by attorneys, the Law Center is focused on providing comprehensive legal research and expertise in support of smart gun laws that save lives. Under her leadership, the Law Center has experienced a dramatic increase in the scope of it’s work in providing legal support to legislators, activists, and the media in their search for commonsense solutions to gun violence. Ms. Thomas oversees the Law Center’s legal activities across the nation, including the development of state and local gun policies, and has testified at numerous public hearings in support of such laws. She is also an expert on the Second Amendment and oversees the Law Center’s tracking and analysis of all Second Amendment litigation nationwide. Prior to her work with the Law Center, Ms. Thomas served as the Executive Director of the Tikkun Community and Tikkun Magazine and practiced la