Kyle Meredith With...

Kyle Meredith Rewind: Andy Taylor on Recovering From Pop, David Bowie’s Death, & Duran Duran’s Lost Reportage LP



We're taking a few weeks off here on Kyle Meredith W..., but wanted to thank you for listening in this year by sharing some of our favorite interviews from 2023. We'll be back with brand new episodes on January 8th. For now, here's my chat with Andy Taylor.Here are the original show notes:Andy Taylor joins Kyle Meredith to talk about Man’s A Wolf To Man, his first solo album of original material in 36 years. The former Duran Duran guitarist talks about how he first considered a Power Station reunion before deciding to focus on himself, how his songwriting is recovering from a lifetime in pop, that David Bowie’s death had a major impact on his decision to return, and his thoughts on channeling music versus copying it. Taylor also draws the parallel of this new set to the politically charged lost Duran Duran album “Reportage,” simultaneously giving us the history of how the label held the band back from progressing artistically while also highlighting the new material that was considered at the war