Moments With Marianne

Roar with Michael Clinton



Are you seeing your industry dramatically evolve and you need to make a change? Tune in for an inspiring discussion with Michael Clinton as we discuss his book Roar: into the second half of your life (before it's too late).#MomentswithMarianne airs in the Southern California area on KMET1490AM & 98.1 FM, an ABC News Radio! Michael Clinton is the former president and publishing director of Hearst Magazines and is currently special media advisor to the Hearst Corporation’s CEO. He is also an author and photographer, who believes that everyone should strive to live their fullest life possible—especially in the second half of life. Michael has travelled through 124 countries, has run marathons on 7 continents, is a private pilot, a part owner of a vineyard in Argentina, has started a nonprofit foundation, holds two master’s degrees, and still has a long list of life experiences that he plans to tackle. more show information visit: #readingl