Holding Space

13: Grief and Death



Death has no respect for the differences we have created among us; we will each be touched by it. Those left behind often report feeling disconnected from the events of the world, as if the one who died took a part of them with. For a period of time people check in, give their condolences, share memories. Slowly, but often not slowly enough, people stop asking. There is an expectation that death is something to get over, something to move on from. We are to be sad, of course, but we are expected to say goodbye and let go. In this episode Dr. Cassidy explores how the discourses of "letting go" and "saying goodbye" actually challenges our grief process. Instead of letting go, what if the result of grieving was to restore what has been lost? Did you connect with that episode? The best way to support Holding Space podcast is to subscribe and leave a review! Podcast reviews are the best way to make sure the podcast reaches those who need it most, and I read each and every one. To connect with Dr. C