Holding Space

29: Carving Your Own Path and Redefining Growth with Taylor Sterling



In this episode I virtually sit down with my very good friend Taylor Sterling, Founder and Creative Director of Glitter Guide. We start off the episode with sharing how we met (and sharing some laughs) while discussing how we maintain a long-distance friendship. Taylor shares how she carved her own path as an entrepreneur, and the ways in which creative insecurities creep in as she struggles with the common challenge of defining your craft. We talk about social media and social comparison, how motherhood changed how she sets boundaries and prioritizes her time, and the ways in which Taylor is reclaiming what "growth" means for her and her business. To continue following Taylor's journey, follow her on social media @taylorsterling. Did you connect with that episode? The best way to support Holding Space podcast is to subscribe and leave a review! Podcast reviews are the best way to make sure the podcast reaches those who need it most, and I read each and every one. To connect with Dr. Cassidy or le