Holding Space

70: The Atlas of Motherhood with Isobel Benesch



Pregnancy, birth, and postpartum care for mamas across the world are NOT created equal. We often just assume that whatever care we get in our area or country is just the norm, but no one knows better than my guest today that this couldn't be further from the truth! Today I am joined by my longtime friend Isobel Benesch. Having experienced birth and postpartum both in the United States and New Zealand, Isobel is sharing with us today the major differences between her experiences and the interviews she has conducted with mamas and experts across the world about differences in perinatal care. We're comparing and contrasting the experiences between countries like the United States and Sweden that have vastly different approaches when it comes to perinatal care. In our conversation we're talking everything from maternity/paternity leave, gender expectations, and how to navigate with your partner the big change of returning to work after maternity/paternity leave. To help you and your partner navigate t