Stuff You Missed In History Class

River Thames Frost Fairs



The London Frost Fairs, were festivals held out on the ice when the River Thames froze over. Most of these fairs were in January or February, and the last of them took place in 1814. Research: Andrews, William. “Famous Frosts and Frost Fairs in Great Britain: Chronicled from the Earliest to the Present Time.” G. Redway. 1887. Davis, George. “Frostiana: Or a History of the River Thames in a Frozen State.” London, 1814. Evelyn, John. “The Diary of John Evelyn (Volume 2 of 2).” Edited by William Bray. 1901. Holman, Martin. “Frost fairs and the frozen Thames.” Art UK. 1/11/2017. Johnson, Ben. “The Thames Frost Fairs.” Historic UK. Magdalen College. “An Historical Account of the Late Great Frost.” Marchant, Katrina. “Frost Fairs: Fun on t