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Will Congress Ban Hedge Funds Ownership of Single-Family Rentals and Force Them to Sell?



There’s a new effort in Congress to keep big landlords from owning single-family homes. Democrats in the Senate and House introduced legislation that would ban hedge funds from owning rental homes and force them to sell off what they have over ten years. But that bill and a second one both appear to target any large real estate investor, not just hedge funds.   The legislation is called the “End of Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act of 2023.” It was introduced by Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon and by Representative Adam Smith of Washington. If passed, hedge funds would be unable to purchase any more single-family rentals, and would have to sell at least 10% of what they own per year, to American families. That would create a 10-year phase out of hedge fund ownership after which they’d be completely banned from owning them.   As reported by Fast Company, the legislation doesn’t just refer to hedge funds, but to real estate investment trusts or REITs as well as corporations that own single-family rentals.