Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Ep 305: 1212 Beneficial Portal + Sagittarius New Moon



Massive shifts are on the horizon. We will be moving through the 12:12 beneficial portal which is on a powerful new moon. And we are also starting to feel the portal energies of the Solstice and the 123123 beneficial portal. Now is a time to reflect on "What you want to let go of” and then “What you want to create now.”  Join us for a powerful 1212 Beneficial Portal + New Moon Activation Reiki Energy Healing Meditation on 12:12 at 8 am ps in a LIVE online meditation to release non-beneficial energies/patterns, to shift, to download wisdom, to activate and so much more. Sign up here for the 1212 + Sagittarius New Moon Reiki Energy Healing Meditation + Activation: Even if I don't see you there for the meditation, make sure to take advantage of this opportunity of beneficial cosmic energy coming in! #energyoftheday #energyupdate #1212portal #cosmicenergies #cosmicgateway #cosmicconsciousnesstribe#higherconsciousnesss #123123 #starseedactivation #energyu