Dramatic Listening... The Podcast Where You Learn English By Listening To Radio Plays

DL032: The Gambler ~ Racial discrimi­nation: ‘Just’ an Indian



Gunsmoke, The Gambler, Part 3 By SMU Central University Libraries [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons "That was a Delaware Indian. He was my servant and he was my friend, the best friend I ever had. He was as good a man as you are, or any other white man." [Photo: Lapowinsa, (Delaware Indian) Chief of the Lenape, 1737] Racial Discrimination: At the climax of the story, we come to the confrontation between Ascombe and Cass. We find out about a situation in the past that Cass had dismissed from his mind. He considered it unimportant and of no consequence. It had to do with how he had treated an Indian. He didn’t think that anything would ever come of it, that nothing would happen as a result of this situation. It was a situation he thought he could simply forget about because "Indian's don't matter". His flippant attitude shows how racial discrimination can go unchecked when most people share and accept racist thinking. But Ascombe didn’t see it that way. He saw Indians as people. He had hunted Cass down t