Dramatic Listening... The Podcast Where You Learn English By Listening To Radio Plays

DL048: Archie – Bankrupt 4: Connections



Photo: © Bigstock Photo | gstockstudioVERONICA: Archie, when I ask him, he'll go! Or I don't know Daddy! The Unwitting Charity Case When Fred hurries down to the corner store for party snacks, he experiences what it is like to be a charity case (「仁愛案件」,貧寒人家) – someone you do a favor for out of pity. But he doesn't really know what's going on. Mr. Pringle, the shop owner offers him credit at his store, something Fred feels no need for. But Pringle's kind intentions come with strings attached (有附帶條件的援助). Mr. Pringle judges Fred -- he thinks Fred is being irresponsible with the little money he has, spending it on things that are not necessities. Fred, who does not view himself as poverty-stricken, cannot understand Pringle's behavior or the conversation they have. Relying on Favors When Archie gets to Veronica's house, he is shocked to discover that his family troubles are not private. However, as the daughter of the richest man in Riverdale, Veronica is one of Archie's best connections (關係). Who better to ask f