

If you’ve ever struggled with sleep (or you’re struggling now), it can have devastating consequences on your mental and emotional well-being, and I know this from personal experience. In 2020, I was averaging 2-4 hours a night of sleep, and I wanted to die. Literally.  Thankfully, I was able to solve my sleep problems, with the help of today’s guest, Dr. Michael Breus (AKA The Sleep Doctor). I called him for advice, and he is with us today to talk about optimizing your sleep routine. Michael is a clinical psychologist with over twenty years in the sleep game. He's been a life-saver, helping me beat insomnia and get my sleep back on track.  And today, Michael’s here to share his expertise and routines that will transform your sleep. He’s going to walk you through creating an ideal nighttime routine, one that sets you up for the most rejuvenating sleep you've ever had.  KEY TAKEAWAYS The age-reversing benefits of sleep The importance of regular sleep patterns The optimal dose of melatonin for a good night’s sl