Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Ep 304: What is Energy Healing? Can it really help?



What Is Energy Healing? Energy healing is a complementary therapeutic approach that has roots in ancient and traditional medicine. Scientific research is currently ongoing to determine how useful these therapies are, but evidence suggests that certain forms of energy healing and practices (reiki and dowsing energy healing) may reduce and help with pain, depression, anxiety, and support overall well-being. Energy healing is a complementary approach based on that our bodies have energy flowing through them, and that healing can come from helping to balance this flow.  It is about restoring energy balance, which in turn brings about purported health benefits. Energy healing can be done at a distance, via remotely or in-person. Energy healing encompasses a variety of techniques believed to clear blockages in the energy field that contribute to imbalance in a person's life. Energy healing works on the principle that our physical body and life experiences are informed by the energies that exist in our energy