Sbc Podcast

Autism and Adolescence



Nurturing Emotional Well-being in Autistic Teens and Building Bridges to Emotional Resilience In this episode, Rachid discusses strategies for parents to help autistic teenagers navigate adolescence. Some key points include establishing open communication, teaching emotional literacy through visual tools, roleplaying social situations, creating predictable routines, addressing sensory needs, explaining puberty changes, building independence through life skills, and encouraging hobbies.  It also provides tips for dealing with meltdowns by remaining calm and using a designated safe space or visual calming kit. The overall message is that patience, empathy and understanding an autistic teen's unique needs can help create a supportive environment for them to thrive during this developmental period. Key Takeaways: Supporting autistic teens through adolescence. Communication and emotional literacy for teens with disabilities.  Supporting autistic teens in adolescence.  Supporting teenagers with autism throu