Malcolm Cox

S2 Ep2139: Tuesday Teaching Tip 340 | Biblical Preaching - Part 12 | Reflections on the Series - Takeaways, Epiphanies and Eureka moments | Malcolm Cox



Today we reflect on the series. I hope you are not overwhelmed by all the material. The idea is not to become instantly perfect in all areas, but rather to ask God to reveal which area he would wish you to develop. Has something stood out? Let me list the main topics we have covered. The case for expository preaching What’s the Big Idea? Tools of the Trade The road from text to sermon  The Arrow and the Target The Shapes Sermons Take Making Dry Bones Live Start with a Bang and Quit All Over The Dress of Thought How to Preach so People will Listen A Final Word In re-reading the book for the AIM homiletics module and this series, the area that God has pointed me to is a combination of the “Big Idea” and the “Arrow and the target”. I am seeing the value in simplifying more of my messages to ensure they have one main idea and a clear target. The result has been tighter, shorter lessons (on the whole). What is your main takeaway?  We have two more teaching tips left in 2023. Next week we will reflect on tea