Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

I Want To Have A Baby on My Own



During this episode, Michela calls in. You may remember her if you listened to October's Chat with Crystal. She shares that she just turned 40 and has dreamed of having a baby for several years. Having frozen her eggs and embryos, Michela now feels she's in a place where she's ready, but keeps feeling stuck in shame and fear around people's judgment about conceiving solo via IVF and a sperm donor rather than with a partner. Although having had the opportunity to have a child with a partner early in her 30s, Michela shares she feels shame for deciding not to move forward with her pregnancy at that time, as her relationship and situation weren't ideal for raising a child. Now, in a much better place but single, she can't help feeling this inner calling to be a mother, but another part of her worries about what people will think. Not acting on what she really wants to do is causing her to feel angry and frustrated with herself. Listen to Crystal coach Michela around making this big decision, navigating