Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

Sweet Emotions: Thriving With An Undefined Solar Plexus In Human Design



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  For the 47% with an undefined Solar Plexus in Human Design, this masterclass is your guide to navigating the emotional currents that surround you. Discover the power of embracing emotional neutrality, deciphering your in charged situations, and transforming your openness into a tool for empathy. Learn healthy discharge techniques to maintain your well-being as an empathetic observer. Your undefined Solar Plexus can be a barometer of emotional health, providing valuable insights without personal identification. Join us for an enlightening session on thriving with an open heart and unburdened energy. Talking Points: Embrace Emotional Neutrality: Learn to detach from absorbed emotions for clarity and peace. Truth in the Undefined: Strategies for deciphering the truth in emotionally charged situations. Becoming an Objective Observer: Transform your undefined solar plexus into a tool for empathy. Healthy Emotional Release Techniques: Prioritize alone time to maintain emotio