Malcolm Cox

S2 Ep2133: Tuesday Teaching Tip 338 | Biblical Preaching - Part 10 | How to Preach so People will Listen | Malcolm Cox



Today we look at the tenth chapter ‘How to Preach so People will Listen’. A sermon is not a text or an outline, it is thing that only lives as it is spoken. The speaking of it is what makes it real. Therefore the way we deliver it is important. The oft-quoted adage that only 7 percent of a message comes through the words is, I understand, a debatable claim. But, what cannot be denied is that the way we speak a sermon has a significant influence on the way it is received. Below I lay out the structure of the chapter in Haden Robinson's book. I will not go through it in detail – better that you buy the book! What I will do today is share some observations based on my experience.  The outline in Haddon Robinson’s book Grooming and dress Movement and gestures: spontaneous gestures; definite gestures; varied gestures; properly timed gestures Eye contact Vocal delivery: pitch; Punch; progress; pause Rehearsal Feedback  First, some examples from Jesus. Jesus Gesture - “Pointing to his disciples, he said, “He