Vox Podcast With Mike Erre

429 - Revelation - Part Twenty Five: Babylon, Continued



Revelation Part Twenty Five: Babylon, Continued. Rome becomes Babylon. In this vision, john as blended together words and images from every single OT passage about the downfall of ancient Babylon, Tyre, and Edom. (Isa. 13, 23, 34, 47; Jer. 50-51; Eze. 26-27). John’s showing how Rome is simply the newest version of the OT archetype of humanity in rebellion against God. They come together and form nations that exalt their own economic and military security into a false God. This isn’t something limited to the past or the future. It’a a portrait of the human condition throughout history. And "Babylons" will come and go leading up the day when Jesus returns to replace Babylon with his kingdom. But how will Jesus’ kingdom come? And it's amazing!! Every single Old Testament passage from the prophets about the fall of Babylon gets quoted in those chapters of Revelation about the fall of Babylon. The questions Mike references: - Am I safe here? - Am I confident here? - Do I belong here? - Am I worth