Well, Well, Well

Married with Children – Fathers and coming out



in 2020 Shaun established an online peer support group for gay men who have children from heterosexual relationships, sometimes called 'gay and married men'. The group, Gay Fathers Worldwide now boasts over 800 members from across the globe. Shaun, and group members Chris and John join Michael to talk about their journeys in acceptance, coming out, and finding support and social connection online. Thank yout to Shaun, John, and Chris for speaking so candidly about their experiences. For more information about mental health, sexual health, and the maytetrs impacting men from past heterosexual relationships navigating same-sex attraction, check out DALE at https://dale.org.au/  Find the group online at https://www.facebook.com/groups/3545615388793578/  Gay Fathers Worldwide can be found on the web at gayfathersworldwide.wordpress.com If this episode has raised any concerns for you, and you need to reach out - you can head to https://joy.org.au/support/ for links to services and supports for you. This epis