Compliance Perspectives

Stefani Sonzzini Navarro on When Employees Report on Themselves [Podcast]



By Adam Turteltaub We spend a lot of time in compliance discussing how to encourage employees to come forward and report any wrongdoing they see around them. Considerably less time, though, is spent on how to handle employees who report their own wrongdoing. In this podcast, Stefani Sonzzini Navarro, LATAM Compliance Officer for Corteva Agrisciences balances the scales. Encouraging employees to come forward with their own questionable acts, she explains, begins with having the right culture. People need to be comfortable and feel safe to report. Getting there takes time and repetition, she explains, along with a strong anti-retaliation policy that covers self-report wrongdoing as well. When an employee first brings the potential issue to your attention, she advises letting them know that if they report something you are obligated to act on it, and that you have to do what is in the best interest of the company. Let them know you will protect their confidentiality as much as possible, but that you also wi