Whispering Pines Church

Romans: In View of God’s Mercy 2:17-29



Romans: In View of God’s Mercy 2:17-29 Growing up it was easy to think that Scripture was mainly written for other people. As I read the stories of the lepers Jesus touched and healed, prostitutes He sat with and forgave of their sins, and the thief hanging next to Him on the cross, I thought my main takeaway was that I ought to be compassionate toward the same. While this is certainly true, and an important aspect of the narrative that we must apply to ourselves, Romans reminds us that we must apply Scripture one step further. I am the leper. I am the immoral one. I am the thief. I am the one who has needed forgiveness. Scripture must first be applied to ourselves. If we forget this, true compassion and Christ-likeness is impossible. Join us as we continue to apply and embody this letter to the Christians in Rome. -Pastor Nate Roschen