Whispering Pines Church

Romans: In View of God’s Mercy 3:1-20



Romans: In View of God’s Mercy 3:1-20 It is a shame that we are not all asked more often, “Where do you place your hope?” If only to give us the opportunity to affirm that our hope is not in who we are, what our title is, the things we have done, or what other people say about us. So, let me ask you, dear friend, “Where do you place your hope?” For the Jewish Christians living in first-century Rome, their hope was found in Christ… and in their Jewishness. Their possession of the law and their circumcision were marks that they were God’s special possession, and their hope rested, at least in part, on these distinctives.  Our hope today must not be in ourselves, for, there is no one who does good, not even one (Rom. 3:12). Our hope must not merely be in our possession of a Bible, or our attendance to the church. Our hope is in Jesus Christ. He alone can unite us. He alone can save us. It is His righteousness, His work, that liberates us! Join us this Sunday as we continue to grow in the foundations of our fa