Franchise Today

PVolve: A New Disruptive Fitness Modality, Says President Julie Cartwright!



This week I feature another in my series of Rising Stars in Franchising.  In fact, this week’s Rising Star also checks the box for amazing women in franchising as well..My guest is Julie Cartwright, a truly inspiring, emerging franchisor, who is making all the right moves to assure sustainable growth through sensible franchising.  Julie is the President of an impressive, emerging brand called Pvolve.  In 2017 Julie’s partner, Rachel Katzman went searching for solutions to feeling broken from high-intensity workouts, which when mingled with her chronic scoliosis pain, caused her to search for a better way to get the results she wanted in terms of sculpting her body, minus the aches and pains and broken body that comes along with high intensity workouts.  So, with that as her motivation, Rachel sought some seed capital to create a new modality that they’ve now dubbed, “functional fitness.”  That investor, a successful serial entrepreneur in his own right, also just happens to double as Rachel’s dad.  With his