Well, Well, Well

Gay Asian Proud



Michael catches up with James Seow, faciltator of Thorne Harbour Health's Gay Asian Proud (GAP) about events that support social connection for same sex-attracted Asian men. Gay Asian Proud holds regular art workshops, health talks, group discussions, yum cha lunches, team sports, and film nights for and by queer Asian men and occassionally other Asian identified LGBTIQ+ people and their partners, and allies. James and Michael discusses HIV and other health disparities for queer Asian men, and the importance of peer education and community develop in building resiliance and forming peer networks. How does a peer act as an authority figure when disseminating health information? How does filial piety (an emphasis on respect for and devotion to one's parents and ancestors) impact how queer Asian men move throughout the world? The next GAP event will be held at the Ice House on 16 September - for more information join the GAP mailing list where you can stay up to date and be invited to the events by visiting ht